Tom Poe


How we Help

  • See the latest news and announcements on our Facebook page.

  • Shop at Fred Meyer? Go to the Community Rewards
    page and search for Gibby!

  • Shop on Amazon? Go to Amazon Smile and search for Gibby Home Fire Prevention.

Join Us

What you can do 


Don't let you or your loved ones go up in smoke! We exist to save at least 1 life. We're spreading the word about how to prevent home fires and what to do in case you're in one. Be a volunteer today!

For more than 4 years, Gibby Home Fire Prevention has devoted its energy to passionately promoting home fire prevention through education, free smoke alarms, and a partnership with the American Red Cross. 

"GIBBY, I'VE NEVER MET YOU. YOU DON'T KNOW IT, BUT YOU MAY HAVE SAVED MY LIFE​. Your dad came today and installed 4 smoke alarms in my house in your honor. I'm on disability with a very limited income and couldn't have afforded them otherwise. I won't forget you, dear Gibby. Or the kind heart of your dad either. I only wish I could have met you in this life. My sincerest condolences to your family"", - Smoke Alarm Recipient, Snohomish, WA

Our Mission


Lives With Us 

For the latest news and events, visit us on Facebook.

Mike and Bonnie Korner



All donations are used to spread the word about home fire prevention through community events and social media, impact legislation, and purchase smoke alarms which we install for free for anyone who needs them.

Meet Our Team

Bonnie Gibson

Co-founder and treasurer

Colleen Rowe


Greg Gibson "Gibby" and his dog Nino died in a house fire on January 8, 2016. 

Gerry Gibson

Co-founder, president, and chief smoke alarm installer

SUpport our Cause




About PRevention

Home fires occur every 43 seconds in the US. At least 7 people every day lose their life as a result. Yet, in most cases this can be prevented.​ 

We lost a loved one and don't want anyone else to lose theirs. ​Watch our Red Cross Community Heroes video to learn more about our mission and cause.

Emily Gibson

Co-founder, social media and communications